Chulha Oil Diffuser

In our travels we often encounter examples of human ingenuity and creative solutions that are simple, practical, and visually beautiful. Inspired by the material, process, and forms observed in the production of lime, Chulha is the first piece in a family of oil diffusers based on these encounters.

Made from slaked lime, recycled and crushed terracotta, and spun copper, each piece is hand made, cured, and finished with locally sourced bees wax. Nested inside a copper vessel, the tea light emits a soft glow while simultaneously warming the water and essential oil in the basin above filling the room with fragrance.

Design : Kenneth Rodrigues, Tanay Kandpal, Jumana Motiwala, Gaurav Edwanker, Noel Tauro, Saleem Bhatri, Samuel Barclay


Chulha Oil Diffuser - INR 2,520

  • Prices are inclusive of GST and applicable only for sales within India.

  • Prices exclude shipping, delivery and/or installation costs.

  • All international currency inquiries can be requested via email below.

For Inquiries :

Specifications : PDF product sheet